Laboratory and Analysis
Laboratory and Analysis

Laboratory and Analysis

Analyzes made in the laboratory include processes that require high precision. Gases containing high purity are analyzed in an accredited laboratory environment to ensure their content. Kavas Gaz can perform gas analysis in various scopes with its 17025 Accredited laboratory. 

In addition to the supply of all kinds of high purity laboratory gases, we provide certification and analysis services for all gas types with the most sensitive chromatographic analysis methods. Contact us (Link) for high purity laboratory gases and chromatographic analysis.

Metalworking and Welding

The continuous supply of oxygen and nitrogen gases, which are the most important and indispensable elements of the metalworking process and provide the highest efficiency, is very important. Maintaining the continuity of production alone is not enough. The purity of the gas is also of the highest importance in the quality of the metal being processed. The gases, which differ according to the type of metal being processed, are analyzed and certified by specialist institutions.

The welding part is the artistic side of the metalworking process. Welding is an art and the artist's use of the right equipment makes the work perfect. The best weld is obtained when suitable equipment is combined with gas of suitable and sufficient purity.

During arc formation on the weld surface, removal of oxygen and nitrogen from the surface is necessary for a perfect weld. Contact our high quality welding gases for customized solutions.


When Henry Ford applied for a loan for his car factory in 1903, the bank manager said: “Horses will always be used. The automobile can only be a temporary fashion.” No one in history has been more wrong. The automotive sector has become indispensable for the economy by producing cheaper and more efficient vehicles thanks to technological innovations and increased efficiency.

Indispensable for the automotive industry are the vehicles produced with the least error. Gas plays a vital role in every process of vehicles, from cutting the metals they are produced to, to the source used in the assembly process, and even to the analysis of the carbon footprint they leave on the world.

Contact us for the supply of top quality gases for excellent results.

Laboratory and Analysis