Technical Gases


It is the third most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere. It is the most common inert gas. It is obtained industrially by a process performed at lower temperatures than air (cryogenic). It is colorless and odorless. It does not form compounds at room temperature, but in some cases it can form compounds. It is a gas used when an inert environment is needed. It can be inhaled in closed areas and this may cause suffocation. In addition, if liquid argon comes into contact with the skin or eyes, it freezes. A gas heavier than air. non-flammable, suffocating when oxygen is low in the air.

Production Method

The air in the atmosphere is purified (liquefied) and then cooled by applying high pressure. Then oxygen, nitrogen and argon are separated from the air.

Tungsten Inert Gas is the name given to the argon welding method called TIG for short.

Usage areas ;

  • In the steel industry
  • In double glazing productions and between glazing
  • Low-energy fluorescent and light bulb construction
  • It is used because it provides the necessary inert environment for the production of titanium and other reactive elements.
  • The use of argon can be preferred in the tires of luxury cars in order to protect the rubber and reduce road noise.
  • Used in fire extinguishing systems. Argon replaces oxygen in a chamber and combustion stops.
  • Used in the purification of metals

Argon is used in welding at high temperatures and the person making it must be very careful. Direct contact with the body causes many skin diseases.

MSDS Usage Guide
