It is a flammable gas that gives results at the highest temperature and efficiency. It is colorless, odorless and lighter than air gas. It is given the smell of garlic to be noticed. Compared to other gases, it is the gas that reaches the highest flame velocity (.9 m/s) and flame temperature with the least oxygen consumption.
Production Method:
In industry, it is formed by the reaction of carbide with water. Another method of producing acetylene is by heating and decomposing methane gas.
Scope of application ;
- Where high flame temperature is required
- In the lighthouse, as a buoy and road sign element,
- In cutting metals,
- In the laboratory atomic absorption device,
- In glass production,
- In the production of plastic materials in the chemical industry and in the production of some organic materials
- In oxygen sources
- In the manufacture of pesticides
- As a lighting element in mine wells
Acetylene Gas Properties:
It is useful to be very careful because of its easily flammable and combustible feature. It has explosive properties under high pressure. It is suffocating at high concentrations, if inhaled, unconsciousness and drowsiness occur. In low concentration, it causes dizziness, headache and nausea.